shockwave-rotator-cuffA rotator cuff can be understood as a group of four muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint that assists in movement and stabilization. They work in keeping the upper bone of the arm within the socket of the shoulder. They are also connected and also originate from the scapula. In case of an injury around the rotator cuff, it starts aching and becomes worse when you lie on the side that is affected. A shoulder ache is just one among the many muscle skeletal issues that arise from overusing the shoulder although there are other major causes.


Causes of a Rotator Cuff Injury

To begin with, it is important to note that the injury cannot take place in the event of a single injury. It happens after a series of injuries. A rotator cuff injury can also be called the Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder where leads to the building up of calcium when the tendons become irritated. Events that lead to making the condition worse include painting, swimming, lifting heavy weights and racquetball. Lastly, the rotator cuff may also become weaker with a person’s age as the blood supply to the tendons is low


 Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff injury

  • Swelling and a lot of pain on the front side of the shoulder.
  • Feeling a lot of pain when you lie on the side which is affected.
  • Pain as a result of raising or lowering the hand
  • Pain that wakes you up at night when sleeping.
  • Pain when trying to reach your back.
  • The decrease in the ability to move the arm to the side.
  • Pain that comes in a gradual manner and worsens especially when trying to turn the arm inwardly.
  • Stiffness

What is Shockwave Technology?

Shockwave technology is a type of sports injury treatment that is done using water done in sports and spinal physio clinics. However, it has also been found to be effective in the treatment of internal organs and kidney stones. Shockwave technology in treating sports injuries began being in used in the 1980s. With the advancement of technology; a shockwave machine became more popular. It has been improved in terms of design over the years to become more efficient.


The effectiveness of treating a rotator cuff with Shockwave technology

Notably, it does not encourage using painkillers which are not effective because they only treat as per the time you have taken. It ensures the rotator cuff is fully functional after only four months of shockwave treatment in a sports and spinal physio clinic. The pain decreases after three weeks of beginning the treatment. It is also noninvasive therefore patients can undergo it and go home the same day. This also means you experience less bleeding; therefore, the body heals faster. For the last two decades, patients who have treated shoulder calcific of the rotator cuff have proved to have an increase in muscle strength, an increase in the range of movement and also quick pain relief. After the use of shockwave technology on a patient, the patient can also undergo physiotherapy. This is because it allows the shoulder to heal better by increasing blood circulation.

golfIf you are a Golfer whose swing is not improving – or is not as good as it used to be, you may find the culprit is in part of your shoulder, your Rotator Cuff. Read on, to find out more about how this could be adding extra strokes to your Golf handicap!

The Rotator Cuff is the name for the group of muscles attaching the Scapula to the Humerus. These muscles all have different but related functions:

  • The Subscapularis rotates the shoulder in and the Infraspinatus rotates the shoulder out.
  • The Infraspinatus andTeres Minor work together.
  • The Supraspinatus lifts the arm up sideways.
  • These muscles are also involved when lowering the arm and reaching back.

If you are a left-handed golfer, the reverse of the information provided below for right-handed golfers will apply to you!


The Backswing and Forward Swing

Backswing problems are common in those who have a weakness or problem with the Subscapularis, the Infraspinatus or the Teres Minor.

The Supraspinatus is responsible for lifting the arm as you begin the stroke. Any pain or inflammation here or in any of the other shoulder structures, will make your backswing less effective.

Weakness affecting either or both of the Teres Minor and Infraspinatus will result in problems with the outward rotation of the right shoulder and any problem with the Subscapularis may affect your range of rotational movement.

Any dysfunction or weakness of these muscles in the left shoulder can affect the ability to rotate the shoulder inwards.

The Rotator Cuff actions described above are reversed during the forward swing.


The Follow Through

Similar movement patterns are involved during ‘follow through’ with the right shoulder inwardly rotated by the Subscapularis and the left shoulder externally rotated by both Infraspinatus and Teres Minor. Any weakness or shortening in either group of muscles will distort the swing.

A fully functional Rotator Cuff is vital in halting the swing correctly. If it does not, many micro-injuries can occur over time, eventually leading to a major problem or, a larger injury could occur, causing shoulder damage.


What Causes Rotator Cuff Injuries?

These are the most common causes of Rotator Cuff injuries for golfers:

  • Degenerative conditions, particularly in the Supraspinatus region of the shoulder
  • Accidental damage caused by a sudden jarring (hitting a stone, or tree root, for example).
  • Poor golfing technique
  • Poor neuro-muscular tone


Innovative Treatment For Rotator Cuff Injuries At SpineScan

Adam Rocchi, a Chiropractor at SpineScan in Perth uses Trigenics for many of his patients, including those with Rotator Cuff injuries. Trigenics is a high-tech method that helps him to evaluate and treat patients using reflexes of the spinal cord and brain to enable the strengthening and lengthening of affected muscles.

Because most Golfers are unaware that they might be able to improve their golfing performance and reduce their risk of injury by addressing an existing neuro-muscular problem, it is well work calling SpineScan today, on (08) 61508785 Scarborough or (08) 61508783 Mount Pleasant and getting checked out, even if you are not presently suffering from a shoulder injury.

Dr Rocchi says that treatment can provide the breakthrough in results that has previously eluded some of his patients – who have correct technique, but who fail to progress, because of correctible neuro-muscular problems.