sleepweIf you find yourself waking, bleary-eyed every morning when the alarm goes off, your health could be at risk. The NHS website has published figures indicating that lack of sleep is the cause of health problems in more than 30% us.

Johan Jeronimus, an Ealing Chiropractor and founder of the Neuroworks clinic tells us that for Chiropractors with a Neurological focus these statistics are very worrying because sufficient, restful, sleep is so important for the health of our brains.

Many of us have poor quality sleep, finding it difficult to get to sleep or to stay asleep. Johan explains that there may be a number of causes for this. It may be that external noise is keeping us awake, or the stress of hectic lives, juggling work, home and family and trying to balance the budget.

For many, a physical health problem is disrupting sleep, causing poor or insufficient sleep on a regular basis. Johan points out that for a significant number of those affected, pain arising from a biomechanical problem, is the culprit. This type of pain usually responds well to Chiropractic treatment.

If pain or causing restless sleep or preventing sleep, please call to arrange an appointment on 020 8566 3757 – it could be your first step to a better night’s sleep!

Is Your Health Suffering Due to Lack of Sleep?

Can you remember the last time you got a solid eight hours’ sleep? Is the ‘norm’ for you a night where you a) lay awake for ages trying to go off to sleep or b) wake up in the early hours and find it impossible to get back to sleep? If so, the following checklist may be helpful in re-establishing a healthy sleep pattern.

Are any of these factors preventing restful sleep?

Pain: Sometimes back pain, neck pain, hip pain, headaches and arthritis keep us awake. For many, the cause of the pain is either, the wrong mattress, a pillow that is not providing correct support for the head and neck or sleeping in the wrong position.

Lack of exercise: It is hard to be motivated to exercise if we are exhausted through lack of sleep but, experts agree that exercising most days and including some slightly more strenuous activity that raises the heart rate really helps to promote restful sleep.

Irregular bedtime/getting up time: You can help yourself to get off to sleep and to stay asleep by maintaining regular going to bed and getting up times. Sticking to the same routine during the week, weekends and holidays helps to establish a pattern (although we are not suggesting that you never indulge in a lie-in!).

Too many distractions from mobiles, tablets or laptops:  Leaving these gadgets in the living room will avoid additional stress and brain stimulation in the ‘wind-down’ time before falling asleep. The blue light from these gadgets also inhibits the production of the ‘sleep hormone’, Melatonin.

Daytime napping: It can be tempting to relieve exhaustion during the day by taking a nap. Napping late afternoon can make falling asleep at bedtime harder. A short nap in the early afternoon is probably the best solution.

Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Friendly

Too many of us collapse exhausted on our beds in a cluttered room with thin curtains that do not exclude light – our bedrooms are often too warm or too cold and our beds are often the wrong size for us or have an old, saggy, uncomfortable mattress!

Do yourself a favour! Take a long look at your bedroom:

  • Is it a calming restful space that is clean and clear of clutter?
  • Is it at a comfortable temperature, cool enough for restful sleep?
  • Is it dark enough to avoid you waking too early when it begins to get light outside?
  • Is it quiet?
  • Is your bed comfortable with a mattress and pillow that provide adequate support?

If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the above, you owe it to your health to do something about it. Remember, lack of sleep can cause elevated stress, cognitive problems as well as physical health problems.

Cleaning and tidying your bedroom, adding blackout blinds or wearing a sleep mask and using earplugs to keep out noise, are just some of the simple, inexpensive things you could do to promote better sleep. Before you invest in a replacement bed though, check with your Ealing Chiropractor. He can advise you on an appropriate mattress and pillow to support your spine and neck in the correct position. In addition, if pain with a biomechanical cause is keeping you awake, Chiropractic could be the answer.

cycling 2Preventing cycling injuries is something that every cyclist needs to master. Injuries are something that no sports person wants, especially during a competitive event or even the basic training session. Professionals in the Tour De France are well equipped with not only knowledge but also experts and physio teams who will make sure they’re ready for the race ahead. Although you may not have a team, having a set of helpful tips can also be beneficial when it comes to preventing cycling injuries.

To start you off on your cycling career below are some of the best tips we can give when it comes to preventing cycling injuries.

Technique and Method of Execution – Perfect it!

One thing for sure is that the professionals in the Tour De France know their techniques and methods. They probably have training teams outside of the races putting them through their paces and making sure they are ready for the event. One of the biggest aspects that the trainers will focus on is technique and the method of execution – these can boost performance and prevent severe cycling injuries.

One key aspect that many cyclists need to focus on is breathing. It is the easiest and most basic human action and we tend not to think about it, both in everyday life and exercise. However, it is very important. In particular, Tour De France trainers suggest that you should breathe through the diaphragm and then relax as you exhale, relaxing the body and muscles, preventing injury.

Buy Suitable Training Gear

We are not telling you that you should go out and buy the best cycling gear money can buy but it is beneficial to get gear that not only fits but won’t cause you discomfort and injuries during sessions. Unfortunately, if you are not sponsored like the Tour De France fellas, you will probably have to buy your own equipment. Yet, one thing if for sure, make sure it fits!

Too many people buy the top gear but don’t make sure that it has a snug fit. This goes hand-in-hand with bicycle adjustments also. Improperly fitted gear will rub and can injure your skin when you move. A bike that is not adjusted properly will strain muscles and could result in a pull or tear. Don’t risk it, make sure your equipment is up to scratch and right for you.

Schedule Weekly Appointments with a Sports and Spinal Physio Professional

Something that we can be sure of is that professional cyclists, like the individuals in the Tour De France, have sports and spinal physio teams standing by to deal with injuries and prevent them. You can schedule appointments weekly with a physiotherapist to make sure you’re protected from the more severe injuries when cycling.

A sports and spinal physio specialist will be able to realign any muscles and bones out of place, giving you a therapeutic release and a full-body treatment to make sure you’re ready for the next week. The professionals have it, so why shouldn’t you?

There you have it, our top tips for staying in the green without any injuries. There are more techniques but these are our favorites and probably the biggest ones when it comes to injury prevention. If you want professional physio treatment, just like the pros, use Turramurra. Call 9144-1510 now to schedule an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.

stressNeurophysiological measurement is an important test that everyone needs to consider to evaluate their nervous system. It is a quick process where non-invasive exams are performed. Dr. Ben Purcell, a Bathurst Chiropractor, effectively uses NeuroInfiniti machine to assess your nerve and provide detail about how they are affecting your health.

This is useful to find the minute change in neurophysiology and also capabilities for neural responses to stress and recovery. This new tool is now widely used by chiropractors around the world due to the association of a huge number of benefits.

What Is A NeuroInfiniti?       

A NeuroInfiniti is a highly useful tool which was designed to measure the physiological stress response accurately. This machine provides full details about the consequence of chiropractic adjustment on the brain. This is an effective way to test the health of the body which is affected by body’s stress response. This is a computerized process in which there are sensors that are attached to the top of the head, shoulder muscle, hand, and forearm.

NeuroInfiniti testing takes around twelve minutes to finish, and within that few minutes, it depicts how you respond and recover from stress challenges.According to Bathurst Chiropractor, Dr. Ben Purcell this instrument has helped chiropractors to evaluate health condition of the patient easily.

Factors Measured In NeuroInfiniti Testing

NeuroInfiniti testing is utilized for measuring different factors, and these factors are:

  • Brain Waves –

The brain activity of a person determines the frequency or speed of waves which originates from the brain and the NeuroInfiniti machine captures those waves for the stress response.

  • Heart Rate –

NeuroInfiniti machine detects the cause behind the rise in heart rate accurately and also measures how long the heart takes to return to the normal stage. This device provides valuable information on the patient’s response.

  • Heart Rate Variability –

Heart rate variability is a process of determining the effect of stress in patient’s life. This method is now also utilized for measuring the effect of Chiropractic care.

  • Temperature –

NeuroInfiniti machine also records the temperature because it is an effective way to calculating the stress response. During stress response, the blood shift to muscles from the skin for dealing with stress challenge.

  • Skin Conductance –

According to Dr. Ben Purcell who is a well-knownBathurst Chiropractor, NeuroInfiniti test finds out minute details, and skin conductance is one them. Skin conductance is calculated because this factor changes with the moisture of the skin which changes according to stress.

  • Muscle Activity –

During NeuroInfiniti test, muscle activity in shoulder and face is also taken into account because those muscles are correlated with stress response.

  • Respiration Rate –

Stress response is also measured by figuring out your breathing rate along with the way of your breathing.

So, if you think of finding the imbalance in your in your nervous system and improve your response time, then you should wait before things go south.

?????????????????????????????????Dizziness is extremely common and causes a large number of people to present to their chiropractor’s or doctor’s office. There are many causes of dizziness, and so a formal assessment by a qualified professional is often required.

At Neuroworks, your Ealing chiropractor, we have undergone extensive postgraduate studies in the fields of neurology so that we can become specialists in the fields of dizziness diagnosis and treatment. If you suffer from dizziness, please call to arrange an appointment on 0202 8566 3757 now.

Dizziness can mean different things to different people. Therefore, one of the first things the clinician will do is try and understand exactly what you mean when you say you are “dizzy”. Generally, dizziness is described as the perception of light-headedness, giddiness or unsteadiness.

It is important to distinguish dizziness from vertigo. Actually, vertigo is a type of dizziness. It is the sensation that you are moving or spinning, even though you may be stood still. It is a very distinct symptom, which helps narrow down the diagnosis to a range of structures within the head. Therefore, one of the first things your clinician will try and determine is whether or not your dizziness is due to vertigo or a different cause.

There are specifically two types of vertigo: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. A peripheral disorder refers to one that affects your inner ear, where the hair cells are that detect balance changes, or the vestibular nerve, the nerve that connects your inner ear to your brain. Examples of peripheral vertigo include BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), Menieres and labrynthitis. In contrast, central vertigo refers to a range of diseases that affect the parts of your brain where you detect and maintain a sense of equilibrium or balance.

It is important to realize that there are many other causes of dizziness that are not specifically vertigo. One type is cervicogenic dizziness. This refers to problems with necks muscles or joints that presents as dizziness. It is common in individuals who have suffered whiplash or concussion-type trauma, however may also be present in people with poor posture or with severe cervical dysfunction. When the neck isn’t functioning properly, sensory input from these structures to the brain is also affected. This means that these structures stop telling the brain exactly where they are in space (known as proprioception). Therefore, the sensory input from the neck to the brain is all of a sudden different to that which is coming in from the inner ear and the eyes to the brain. This incongruity of sensory input results in dizziness or the sense of disequilibrium.

Other causes of dizziness can include hypertension or hypotension (particularly when changing from sitting-standing, referred to as postural hypotension), infections, alcohol, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia and persistent postural perceptual dizziness, amongst many other causes.

If you are suffering from dizziness, it is important to have it assessed by your health profession. Treatments vary considerably depending on the specific type of dizziness or vertigo you are suffering. Please call to arrange an appointment on 020 8566 3757 now and let us help you today.

golfIf you are a Golfer whose swing is not improving – or is not as good as it used to be, you may find the culprit is in part of your shoulder, your Rotator Cuff. Read on, to find out more about how this could be adding extra strokes to your Golf handicap!

The Rotator Cuff is the name for the group of muscles attaching the Scapula to the Humerus. These muscles all have different but related functions:

  • The Subscapularis rotates the shoulder in and the Infraspinatus rotates the shoulder out.
  • The Infraspinatus andTeres Minor work together.
  • The Supraspinatus lifts the arm up sideways.
  • These muscles are also involved when lowering the arm and reaching back.

If you are a left-handed golfer, the reverse of the information provided below for right-handed golfers will apply to you!


The Backswing and Forward Swing

Backswing problems are common in those who have a weakness or problem with the Subscapularis, the Infraspinatus or the Teres Minor.

The Supraspinatus is responsible for lifting the arm as you begin the stroke. Any pain or inflammation here or in any of the other shoulder structures, will make your backswing less effective.

Weakness affecting either or both of the Teres Minor and Infraspinatus will result in problems with the outward rotation of the right shoulder and any problem with the Subscapularis may affect your range of rotational movement.

Any dysfunction or weakness of these muscles in the left shoulder can affect the ability to rotate the shoulder inwards.

The Rotator Cuff actions described above are reversed during the forward swing.


The Follow Through

Similar movement patterns are involved during ‘follow through’ with the right shoulder inwardly rotated by the Subscapularis and the left shoulder externally rotated by both Infraspinatus and Teres Minor. Any weakness or shortening in either group of muscles will distort the swing.

A fully functional Rotator Cuff is vital in halting the swing correctly. If it does not, many micro-injuries can occur over time, eventually leading to a major problem or, a larger injury could occur, causing shoulder damage.


What Causes Rotator Cuff Injuries?

These are the most common causes of Rotator Cuff injuries for golfers:

  • Degenerative conditions, particularly in the Supraspinatus region of the shoulder
  • Accidental damage caused by a sudden jarring (hitting a stone, or tree root, for example).
  • Poor golfing technique
  • Poor neuro-muscular tone


Innovative Treatment For Rotator Cuff Injuries At SpineScan

Adam Rocchi, a Chiropractor at SpineScan in Perth uses Trigenics for many of his patients, including those with Rotator Cuff injuries. Trigenics is a high-tech method that helps him to evaluate and treat patients using reflexes of the spinal cord and brain to enable the strengthening and lengthening of affected muscles.

Because most Golfers are unaware that they might be able to improve their golfing performance and reduce their risk of injury by addressing an existing neuro-muscular problem, it is well work calling SpineScan today, on (08) 61508785 Scarborough or (08) 61508783 Mount Pleasant and getting checked out, even if you are not presently suffering from a shoulder injury.

Dr Rocchi says that treatment can provide the breakthrough in results that has previously eluded some of his patients – who have correct technique, but who fail to progress, because of correctible neuro-muscular problems.

nftADHD is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting between 3-5% of primary school children, and 11% of secondary school children(1).It has a strong genetic component, although it is often hard to tell if it is in the family or not, as less than 25% of adult ADHD sufferers get diagnosed(1).

For a long time, ADHD treatment was limited to medication.  ADHD medications have a great number of adverse side effects, which may include:delayed growth, weight issues, sleep problems, loss of appetite and sometimes even heart problems(2).

This has changed with the development of neurofeedback therapy. Neurofeedback therapy aims to strengthen those areas of the brain that are underactive, by challenging the patient to perform certain tasks(3).Neurofeedback therapy is natural, safe, relaxing and suitable for almost all ages(1).  It is said to have great, long-term results that often outlast those of medication(2).  For a lot of patients, neurofeedback therapy meant that they were able to reduce their medication usage by up to 50%(2).

ADHD patients are often subdivided into inattentive or hyperactive types, or a combination of both.  Common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Restlessness
  • Forgetting things
  • An inability to relax
  • Making simple mistakes
  • Feeling nervous or on edge
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Moving and talking excessively; and
  • Difficulty organizing and completing tasks(1).

This type of behavior can have far-reaching effects at school, work and in the home.  Children with ADHD are more likely to drop out of school, smoke cigarettes, have problems maintaining a job, and are more likely to suffer from depression, eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse, low self-esteem and relationship problems(4).  For a lot of sufferers, getting diagnosed with ADHD often comes with a sense of relief, as theycan begin to understand that there are reasonsforthe way that they are, that has nothing to do with a personal character flaw(1).

Neurofeedback therapy uses sophisticated brain-computer technology that pinpoints ‘weak’ areas of the brain and retrains them. QEEG brain scans connect the brain to a computer, which shows a colour-coded map of brain activity levels(4).  The patient is then asked to perform a number of tasks, and areas of the brain light up.  In ADHD patients, there is often too much slow brain wave activity in the pre-frontal cortex, which is the part of the brain associated with cognition, personality, decision-making and social awareness(1).  Once the weakened areas have been found, the patient performs various tasks that concentrate on strengthening the underactive areas of the brain(3).  Visual and audio feedback is used so that the patient can understand which areas of the brain need training(3).  If the patient loses their concentration, the therapy is instantly stopped until the patient re-focuses.  This ensures that the patient remains engaged the entire time, and learns how to stay concentrated(2).

Therapy can help with:

  • Concentration
  • Restlessness
  • Memory
  • Organisation
  • Self-control
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Learning difficulties
  • Social skills
  • Motivation
  • Sleep problems
  • Chronic pain; and
  • Resilience(3)

As well as neurofeedback therapy, we can also provide diet, exercise, sleep and time-management advice(1).  We would be happy working alongside your GP and psychologist in order to maximize your results.


Reference List:

  1. Centre PB. ADHD, attention and learning difficulties. 2016 [03/04/2016]. Available from:
  2. Holland K. Can neurofeedback help treat ADHD? 2014 [03/04/2016]. Available from: – Overview1.
  3. Gazal CK. Effective treatment for ADD/ADHD related conditions 2016 [03/04/2016]. Available from:
  4. Michaels P. Alternative ADHD treatment: neurofeedback 2016 [03/04/2016]. Available from:

sleepMarch 18, 2016 is World Sleep Day, a day dedicated to sleep disorder awareness and improving sleep quality. The slogan for Sleep Day 2016 is “Good Sleep is a Reachable Dream”.

Anyone who has ever suffered from insomnia knows how difficult it can be to function well after a night of poor sleep. Irritability, brain fog, slowed reaction times, even greater susceptibility to illness after a few sleepless nights. Stress is the most common cause of insomnia, but sleeplessness can have any number of other causes, including depression, pain, restless legs, and mineral deficiency.

Most of us spend about a third of our lives asleep. We still don’t fully understand what happens when we sleep, especially in the brain. We do know that our bodies use the downtime to repair and recharge itself, and to regulate hormone levels. We also have an idea that events of the day are processed and consolidated in the memory, though it’s unclear exactly how this happens. What we do know is getting sufficient good quality sleep is essential to being able to function well.

If you have trouble sleeping, there are several strategies you can try without resorting to medication. Even if you don’t have trouble sleeping, these strategies can still help you get a better, more restful sleep.

  • Start by avoiding caffeine and other stimulants as much as possible, especially after about lunchtime.
  • Eat a light to moderate dinner at least 3-4 hours before bed, and a light snack an hour or so before. A heavy meal can lead to sleep-disrupting indigestion, while hunger can cause restlessness.
  • Take a walk after dinner, or get some other type of moderate exercise several times a week. Strenuous exercise can wind you up, so should be limited to earlier in the day, but light exercise can help tire you out so you can sleep.
  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning, even on weekends. Avoid sleeping in, even after a rough or late night, as this can make it harder to sleep the next night, leading to a cycle of sleepless nights and drowsy days.
  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine. Brush your teeth, check the doors, set out your clothes and check your calendar and todo list for the next day, whatever it is, following the same routine every night will cue your body and brain that it’s time to start shutting down.
  • Lower the lights and turn off all electronics, including the TV, at least a half-hour before bed. Try winding down during this time by reading or writing. Journaling before bed is a great way to ease stress by getting the thoughts out of your head onto paper.
  • Dedicate your bedroom to sleep. Take out the TV, computer, and other electronics. Many people use their phone as an alarm clock. If you’re one of these, at least put the phone across the room so you’re not tempted to check it while you’re trying to fall asleep.

These strategies may take a few nights before you notice a difference. If, after a couple of weeks, you’re still having trouble, consider visiting a chiropractor, a naturopath, or acupuncturist. Any of these professionals can help you uncover and address the underlying causes of your insomnia, so you can sleep more easily.

To find out more about how you can get better sleep, call Sydney chiropractor Neurobalance now on 02 9938 5456 to arrange an appointment.

bppv1Some of us love theme parks, we love the feel of being throw upside down, whizzing through the air, screaming at the top of our lungs, and enjoying the adrenaline rush that comes with it. Now, whilst that is all very well and good, imagine life on a rollercoaster for much of the time, with that nauseous and totally dizzy feeling never really easing – not so enjoyable now, right?

If you’ve ever suffered from a vertigo attack then you will understand this feeling all too well.

Dizziness and vertigo is a very real problem, and for those who suffer with it, life can be very unpleasant at times. One particular type of dizziness and vertigo condition is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV for short, and this is traditionally difficult to diagnose, leaving sufferers frustrated, and often feeling like they have to live with the symptoms, and simply put up with them – this needn’t be the case.

What is BPPV?

BPPV is one of the most common types of vertigo, and is often one of the reasons why an individual is referred to a neurologist for further tests and treatment. The symptoms of this condition can be wide-reaching, but they all affect daily life to a large degree. Feeling constantly off-balance, nauseous, and dizzy can affect daily life, and even the smallest of tasks can become somewhat more difficult. Work is also affected, which causes even further problems and stress. On top of this, BPPV has been shown to be a contributor towards psychological problems, thanks to the stress and upset the condition can cause.

BPPV occurs when debris, called endolymphatic debris, settles and builds up in the semi-circular canals within the middle ear. Any distortion or upset in this area of the ear causes problems with balance, which leads to dizziness and vertigo. Diagnosis of this condition is often time-consuming, leaving the sufferer with the symptoms for a longer period of time.

Diagnosis itself requires the individual to have suffered from five vertigo attacks, all of which lasted for just a few seconds, no more than one minute, without any other symptoms of a neurological manner, caused by changes in head position, which obviously means the debris which has built up in the ear moves around.

How is BPPV treated?

Thankfully, once diagnosis is made, treatment is relatively straightforward for the individual, and takes the form of highly complex positional manoeuvres, carried out by a trained chiropractor. These manoeuvres have rather technical names, including the Epley, Semont, and Gufoni manoeuvres. These movements work to move the debris away from the semi-circular canals of the ear, which clears the symptoms and relieves the problem.

On top of these manoeuvres, visual exercises can be used to help ease dizziness symptoms and bring harmony back to balance.

There is no reason to suffer in silence, so if you are at all worried about dizziness and vertigo, whether you believe this is down to BPPV or another form of vertigo, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

addAn increasing number of Australian children are being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, with estimates at more than 400,000 children and young people aged 19 and under currently struggling with the condition.  Chances are, your child knows someone with ADD or ADHD, or may even have been diagnosed.  But what is ADD? How is it different from ADHD, and why is it such a common problem?

ADD and ADHD are very similar diagnoses.  They are typically associated with childhood, though adult ADD/ADHD is fairly common.  Most adults with the condition, however, are misdiagnosed and/or have found strategies for coping with the condition.

ADD is attention deficit disorder.  ADHD is similar, but the H stands for hyperactive.  People with either variation have trouble concentrating, which may appear as inattentiveness (ADD) or hyperactivity (ADHD).  The hyperactivity makes ADHD easier to diagnose, while symptoms of ADD may be misdiagnosed as shy or learning disabled.  There is also a combined type of ADD/ADHD, which makes diagnosis and treatment even more complicated.

Symptoms of ADD/ADHD include impulsivity, disorganizations, absent mindedness, inability to concentration, distractibility, a tendency to daydream, and sometimes acting out.  While it is possible for children younger than school age to have ADD or ADHD, diagnosing children at this age should be done with caution, as many of the symptoms are quite normal in children this age.

Not long ago, school age children with these symptoms were labelled difficult and were often punished for their behavior.  Today, we know more about how the brain works and we now understand that these symptoms are not simple misbehavior, but that the brain actually works differently in those individuals.

Like any other diagnosis, not all symptoms are exhibited in all sufferers, and severity can range from mild to severe.  Treating the problem depends on accurate diagnosis of the specific type of ADD.

A great deal of research has been conducted on the effects of ADD and ADHD with the hope of developing effective treatments.  At the University of California Center for Mind and Brain, scientists studied 40 children ages 12-17.  Of the participants, 17 had a diagnosis of either ADD or ADHD.  Participants were given certain computer-based tasks.  For example, a series of arrows might be displayed and the children had to indicate which direction the middle arrow pointed.  Visual cues were provided to assist in the tasks.  The scientists used electroencephalograms (EEG) to measure the brainwaves of the children during the tasks.

The results indicated specific differences in the alpha and theta brainwaves, not only of those with ADD/ADHD when compared with those who did not have the condition, but between different types of the condition.  Specifically, children with inattentive ADD showed an inability to process the visual cues, while those with ADHD demonstrated poor motor skills.  The researchers hope that by better understanding the condition, they may be able to develop more effective diagnostic criteria and treatment options.

Medication is the most frequently used treatment option for those with ADD and ADHD, but there are alternative methods of managing the symptoms.  Treating ADD/ADHD naturally starts with examining the diet.  Many food colorings and preservatives can influence behavior, as can certain allergens.  Many parents of children with ADD/ADHD report a significant decrease in symptoms when offending foods are identified and eliminated.  Biofeedback, massage, yoga, and tai chi can all help retrain the brain to help the sufferer manage their attention and energy.


trg1Developed by Dr. Oolo Austin in the 1990s, Trigenics is a unique treatment technique developed specifically to treat frozen shoulders.  Trigenics can even help restore shoulder movement in patients who have undergone other treatments without relief.

A number of other treatments for frozen shoulder exist, including traditional physical therapy, active release, and surgery.  While some people have gotten some degree of relief after one or more of these treatment options, many have continued to suffer from pain and lack of mobility.  None of them have achieved significant results after a single visit.

To date, thousands of people have experienced increased mobility and relief from the pain of frozen shoulders, often after just one treatment, without surgery.

Frozen shoulder is a condition that is not well understood.  As a result, many patients suffer for months or years before they are even able to get a proper diagnosis.  When this happens, the muscles begin to atrophy, making exercise ineffective at best, and increasing the potential for further damage.

Prior to treatment, a series of tests are done to evaluate muscle length and strength.  The results of these tests are used to identify the area that needs to be treated, and which muscles need to be strengthened and/or lengthened.

Treatment with Trigenics begins with techniques designed to improve shoulder function with neurokinetic exercises to strengthen and lengthen the muscles in and around the shoulder.  In most cases, this is sufficient to increase range of motion by approximately 10-15 degrees.

After the initial release technique, a Trigenics practitioner will use functional muscle neurology treatment to rewire the nerve impulses the control the rotator cuff.  This further improves range of motion and strength in the shoulder.  In many cases, patients enjoy full range of motion within a few minutes to a few hours after the procedure.

This unique treatment combines resistive exercise and neuromuscular stimulation with specific breathing techniques.  This is the first treatment method to combine neurology and physical therapy in a way that works on muscles, brain, and nervous system simultaneously.

When an injury occurs, pain can limit movement.  Over time, not only do the muscles begin to atrophy, but the nerves can start to misfire and eventually forget how to communicate.  As a result, the muscles begin to shorten and atrophy in a process known as neurological inhibition.  Because of this, the effectiveness of traditional physical therapy and exercise are limited.  Trigenics is based on the idea that complete healing cannot occur until the nervous system is restored to normal function.

Today, approximately 2,000 practitioners around the world offer the procedure, and thousands have experienced relief after going through the procedure.  The principles behind Trigenics are no longer limited to treating shoulder conditions.  It has also been used to treat many other conditions, including migraines, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and fibromyalgia, among many others.  Some practitioners also provide the procedure to athletes to help improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury.

If you suffer from certain autoimmune conditions, nerve lesions, blood clots, unexplained calf pain that could be the result of an undiagnosed blood clot, bone fracture, untreated shoulder dislocation, or certain other conditions, Trigenics may not be right for you.  There are some minor risks involved with Trigenics, including sprains, strains, subluxation, and bruising.

If you’ve been suffering with a lack of mobility and pain, there is hope.  Call Spine Scan today on (08) 61508785 Scarborough or (08) 61508783 Mount Pleasant to arrange an appointment to find out how one of our Trigenics practitioners may be able to help you.