shockwave-rotator-cuffA rotator cuff can be understood as a group of four muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint that assists in movement and stabilization. They work in keeping the upper bone of the arm within the socket of the shoulder. They are also connected and also originate from the scapula. In case of an injury around the rotator cuff, it starts aching and becomes worse when you lie on the side that is affected. A shoulder ache is just one among the many muscle skeletal issues that arise from overusing the shoulder although there are other major causes.


Causes of a Rotator Cuff Injury

To begin with, it is important to note that the injury cannot take place in the event of a single injury. It happens after a series of injuries. A rotator cuff injury can also be called the Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder where leads to the building up of calcium when the tendons become irritated. Events that lead to making the condition worse include painting, swimming, lifting heavy weights and racquetball. Lastly, the rotator cuff may also become weaker with a person’s age as the blood supply to the tendons is low


 Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff injury

  • Swelling and a lot of pain on the front side of the shoulder.
  • Feeling a lot of pain when you lie on the side which is affected.
  • Pain as a result of raising or lowering the hand
  • Pain that wakes you up at night when sleeping.
  • Pain when trying to reach your back.
  • The decrease in the ability to move the arm to the side.
  • Pain that comes in a gradual manner and worsens especially when trying to turn the arm inwardly.
  • Stiffness

What is Shockwave Technology?

Shockwave technology is a type of sports injury treatment that is done using water done in sports and spinal physio clinics. However, it has also been found to be effective in the treatment of internal organs and kidney stones. Shockwave technology in treating sports injuries began being in used in the 1980s. With the advancement of technology; a shockwave machine became more popular. It has been improved in terms of design over the years to become more efficient.


The effectiveness of treating a rotator cuff with Shockwave technology

Notably, it does not encourage using painkillers which are not effective because they only treat as per the time you have taken. It ensures the rotator cuff is fully functional after only four months of shockwave treatment in a sports and spinal physio clinic. The pain decreases after three weeks of beginning the treatment. It is also noninvasive therefore patients can undergo it and go home the same day. This also means you experience less bleeding; therefore, the body heals faster. For the last two decades, patients who have treated shoulder calcific of the rotator cuff have proved to have an increase in muscle strength, an increase in the range of movement and also quick pain relief. After the use of shockwave technology on a patient, the patient can also undergo physiotherapy. This is because it allows the shoulder to heal better by increasing blood circulation.

ChiropractorcareChiropractic (from the Greek kheir hand and praktikes practical) is a widespread complementary medicine system. Founded by D.D.Palmer in the 1890s describing it as ‘healing without drugs’, it is based on the theory that a healthy spine will enable the body to repair itself due to the nervous system it protects being undamaged by vertebrae joint misalignments. Manipulation of the spine protecting the spinal cord can correct misalignments, or subluxations, between any of the 24 vertebrae so enabling the body to heal itself. Although some conventional medical doctors still disapprove of chiropractic, it is widely accepted in Australia and is covered by most private insurance funds and even funded by the federal government should a patient be referred to a chiropractor. Most Australians go to chiropractors for the relief of low back pain. The problem is that most do not go before their forties when much damage has been done. They miss out on the benefits of good general health they might have enjoyed had they come to a chiropractor earlier.


Benefits of chiropractic

Some chiropractors restrict themselves to the relief of muscular-skeletal problems while others attempt to improve the health of the whole person. Such general benefits tend to come with longer term chiropractic care. Most chiropractors give relief from back and neck pain, conditions such as bursitis and other forms of arthritis, elbow, shoulder, arm and wrist pain as well as improvement in the movement of joints. Much of this is done on a relatively short term basis making the benefits likely to be temporary. However, much more is possible with chiropractic care over a longer period.


The benefits of long-term chiropractic care

The most obvious benefit is that of the long-term reduction of pain, particularly back pain and headaches. One study showed that the majority of migraine sufferers under long-term chiropractic care found that their migraines either disappeared or were much reduced (62% male and 81% female). According to chiropractic each organ is aligned, via the nervous system, to a specific vertebra so a misaligned spine protecting the central nervous system will affect many organs. These include the heart and lungs so if the nervous system works optimally cardiovascular health will be good as will be a person’s lung capacity which reduces the risks of developing asthma, heart attacks and strokes. A fully functioning nervous system also results in quicker reaction times, better balance and sharper vision as well as an efficient immune system. In a most striking study, conducted by The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, people in the United States who were in long-term chiropractic care had 43% fewer hospital admissions, 52% reduction in medicine costs and 43% fewer surgeries and outpatient procedures.

Spinescan have two chiropractor centres in Western Australia. One is South Perth chiropractor and the other is chiropractor applecross. Why not make an appointment and discuss your long term individual needs with a skilled chiropractor?

clinical_pilatesClinical pilates is an alternative treatment for injuries and individual needswhere specific pilates exercises are practiced according to individual needs.

The technique focuses on breathing, stretching and controlled movements and it can be part of a successful therapy.

Assessment and personalised clinical pilates programs are conducted by physiotherapists and chiropractors.
If you’re wondering what the chiropractorsrole is in clinical pilates it is to work on the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of:

  • the spine
  • joints
  • related neuromuscular diseases

The chiropractic adjustments are based on applying a controlled force and exercises to improve function, mobility and to reduce pain.
How can clinical pilates help you?
Improve function and mobility
Improving function and mobility can reduce the risk of sports injuries. One example is the running-related lesions. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine explains that these lesions can be caused by inefficient movements. A 6-week course of clinical pilates can improve the functional movements in recreational runners, thus reducing the risk of injuries.

Reduce chronic back pain
According to an article published in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, many patients with low back pain having daily pilates sessions found theirreducing. This finding suggests that clinical pilates can contribute to breaking the cycle of pain and physical activity intolerance. The scientific literature also reports improvement for patients with shoulder pain.

Improve posture
A recent research conducted by the Istanbul Medipol University discovered positive effects of clinical pilates on students at the undergraduate level. After the clinical pilates classes, participants increased their physical awareness and were more aware of correct posture.
Rehabilitation of injuries or diseases
Patients with injuries or disease can find it very painful to move around. This can drastically limit their physical activity. Clinical pilates is an option to help reduce such pain. One study from Eastern Mediterranean University reported that osteoporosis patients could reduce their pain and also improve their quality of life with regular clinical pilates treatment.
Where can you find experienced professionals to start your clinical pilates program in Hobart?
Your Health Hub professionals work with trusted techniques to treat spinal and other nervous system issues.

At your first visit you will have a complete examination, in order to assess your current situation and to know your specific necessities. The second visit will focus on their findings and explore the best treatments for you. Visit their website here:
Your Health Hub professionals can help with:

  • back and neck pain
  • sciatica
  • joints
  • work or sports injuries

fastbowlThe fast bowlers are prone to injuries because a force of about 8 to 10 times the body weight gets transmitted along the body during fast bowling. This force along with the lumbar movement is responsible for the risk of injuring the lumbar spine. The lumbar fracture develops due to the repititive hyperextension combined along with the rotational force. Thus the lumbar stress fractures are common amongst young athletes especially during the period of faster growth.

What is Back Stress Fracture and its Symptoms?

Fast bowlers are prone to develop back stress fracture. The overload and complicated bowling techniques contribute to the development of spondylolysis or lumbar stress fracture. According to research, mixed bowling technique is responsible for lower back injury more than the front or side on techniques.

Back fracture or lumbar fracture symptoms include unilateral back pain of the lower region, worsening of pain by the lumbar extension and improvement of symptoms with rest.

How to Deal with the Problem of Lower Back Pain?

Chiropractic care is effective for treating spondylolysis. It is a conservative way of treating patients and its goal is to minimize the lower back pain and to facilitate healing. If you consult your Perth chiropractor, he would help you in treating your back stress fracture in the following way.

#1. Management of Inflammation and Pain

This is the first phase of treatment in which the Perth chiropractor makes use of a host of tools for reducing inflammation and pain. The treating tools include acupuncture, tens machine, ice, techniques of de-loading taping, massage of the soft tissue and the use of a supportive brace for warding off excessive load from the site of injury. The chiropractor would even advice you to refrain doing activities that would cause pain. He would use ice therapy and suggest exercises that can ward off excessive load from the inflamed tissues. He even prescribes anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medication to minimize inflammation and pain.

#2. Restoring the Strength, Range of Motion and Muscle Control

In this phase, your Perth chiropractor can make use of a back brace for stabilizing joint. He uses trigenics which is a futuristic technique for assessing, training and treating the neurological muscle. In some patients, they use the ‘anti-lordotic brace’ to settle the pain. Hydrotherapy exercises in many cases are used by chiropractors as it proves to be beneficial for the repair of early injury. After the inflammation subsides the chiropractor emphasizes on restoring the normal posture and range of motion of the back joint. Mobilization of the stiff joint next to the spondylolysis is required to reduce the stress caused by pars interarticularis. Exercises are suggested to the patients to restore the muscle coordination and strength. After assessing the pattern of the core muscle recruitment the Perth chiropractor would suggest the exercises best suited to your requirement.

#3. Restoring The Full Function

In this phase modified technique of bowling is introduced to help players resume the normal exercises and activities like running, jogging etc.

#4. Returning to the Sports Activities

Your Perth chiropractor would help you to resume the sports activities. It may take about 12 weeks or a little longer to return back to sports.

To effectively deal with lower back pain and get back to the sports activities as soon as possible get in touch with an accomplished chiropractor. Call the practice now on (08) 61508785 Scarborough or (08) 61508783 Mount Pleasant to arrange an appointment


rugbyRugby is a high-intensity and fast-moving game. This historically male dominated sport is now gaining popularity among women. The Women’s Rugby World cup championship is held every four years and is organized by the sport’s world governing body. Rugby requires a lot of strength and good technique to play. However, like in any other sport, injuries are inevitable. Therefore, in order to prevent any injury, a player should keep the following points in mind –

  1. Be mentally and physically prepared for the game.
  2. Use good techniques and practices.
  3. Wear the right protective gear.
  4. Lastly, know your strengths and weaknesses.

How to prepare yourself before the game?

Preparing yourself before the game is very important and it should be done under professional guidance for better results. We are listing here some suggestions on how to be prepared before playing rugby.

  1. During the off-season, work on building your physical strength under the guidance of your coach or fitness expert
  2. Work towards improving your skills.
  3. Regular medical check-up by a qualified medical practitioner is vital.
  4. Perform some warm-up and stretching exercises to improve your flexibility.
  5. Lastly, take enough rest.

Most common rugby injuries

The most common injuries while playing rugby are muscle injuries and sprain. However, some injuries can be severe and traumatic as well. Let us look at some of the most common injuries, why do they occur, and ways to prevent them.

  1. Hamstring injury – This injury happens in the muscle fibers that make up the hamstring. Hamstring injuries usually happen due to-
  2. Inadequate warm-up
  3. Incorrect stretching exercises or even by over-stretching.
  4. Improper running style
  5. Not taking enough rest between matches.
  6. Performing speed exercises on tired muscles or on a generally weak body.

To prevent a hamstring injury, one should work on improving the overall body strength, conditioning, running techniques and follow effective recovery treatments such as; foam rolling or ice baths.

  1. Sprained Ankle – This happens when the ankle ligaments get overstretched resulting is soft tissue damage. The severity of this can vary from mild sprain to severe ligament ruptures. A sprain in an ankle typically happens when you twist your feet on an uneven ground, or when you plant your foot improperly while running, or you land from a jump on an irregular surface.

To prevent ligament injuries, one should follow training exercises specified by experts which help players to work on their balance when doing strenuous physical activities. Using a tape or brace around ankle while playing can also protect the player from sprain.

  1. Knee ligament injury–This type of injury happens when the fibers which constitutes the knee ligament gets torn. Knee injuries typically happen when there is a sudden change of direction or while tackling; excessive strain on ligament causes a tear.

To reduce the risk of this injury, one should work on building knee strength by doing effective conditioning training to improve resilience of the knee to sudden change of directions.

  1. Concussions – These are mild to severe head injuries which happen due to a blow to the head. It happens simply due to the nature of the game. These injuries are inevitable, but concussion awareness amongst players and coaches is very important. The only way to avoid this injury is to wear a protective gear and know the game well.

These are just a few common rugby injuries. However, injuries vary according to environment and situation and for addressing such cases, one should consult a chiropractor or a medical expert in this field for an effective treatment. So, to get help with your cycling and any injuries you might be carrying, call one of our practices now.