Some of us love theme parks, we love the feel of being throw upside down, whizzing through the air, screaming at the top of our lungs, and enjoying the adrenaline rush that comes with it. Now, whilst that is all very well and good, imagine life on a rollercoaster for much of the time, with that nauseous and totally dizzy feeling never really easing – not so enjoyable now, right?
If you’ve ever suffered from a vertigo attack then you will understand this feeling all too well.
Dizziness and vertigo is a very real problem, and for those who suffer with it, life can be very unpleasant at times. One particular type of dizziness and vertigo condition is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV for short, and this is traditionally difficult to diagnose, leaving sufferers frustrated, and often feeling like they have to live with the symptoms, and simply put up with them – this needn’t be the case.
What is BPPV?
BPPV is one of the most common types of vertigo, and is often one of the reasons why an individual is referred to a neurologist for further tests and treatment. The symptoms of this condition can be wide-reaching, but they all affect daily life to a large degree. Feeling constantly off-balance, nauseous, and dizzy can affect daily life, and even the smallest of tasks can become somewhat more difficult. Work is also affected, which causes even further problems and stress. On top of this, BPPV has been shown to be a contributor towards psychological problems, thanks to the stress and upset the condition can cause.
BPPV occurs when debris, called endolymphatic debris, settles and builds up in the semi-circular canals within the middle ear. Any distortion or upset in this area of the ear causes problems with balance, which leads to dizziness and vertigo. Diagnosis of this condition is often time-consuming, leaving the sufferer with the symptoms for a longer period of time.
Diagnosis itself requires the individual to have suffered from five vertigo attacks, all of which lasted for just a few seconds, no more than one minute, without any other symptoms of a neurological manner, caused by changes in head position, which obviously means the debris which has built up in the ear moves around.
How is BPPV treated?
Thankfully, once diagnosis is made, treatment is relatively straightforward for the individual, and takes the form of highly complex positional manoeuvres, carried out by a trained chiropractor. These manoeuvres have rather technical names, including the Epley, Semont, and Gufoni manoeuvres. These movements work to move the debris away from the semi-circular canals of the ear, which clears the symptoms and relieves the problem.
On top of these manoeuvres, visual exercises can be used to help ease dizziness symptoms and bring harmony back to balance.
There is no reason to suffer in silence, so if you are at all worried about dizziness and vertigo, whether you believe this is down to BPPV or another form of vertigo, don’t hesitate to contact us today.