bpBack pain, according to statistics, is something that 80% of us will experience some time in our lives and is one of the most common reasons why patients visit their Winchester Chiropractor, Max Atkinson.

Dr. Atkinson (DC) says that preventing back pain from recurring is a major concern for many of his patients. Wanting to be able to continue with sporting activities, doing day to day jobs like gardening and DIY and being able to work pain-free in a job which involves repetitive movements are all reasons why so many elect for regular ‘wellness visits’. In addition to gentle Chiropractic adjustments, he provides information and guidance on the key things that patients can do to protect their backs and help to prevent further episodes of pain.

Worries about the problem getting worse as time goes on are unsurprising as for most people who have had a back injury the risk of recurrence is high. If you are presently suffering from back pain or have had a problem and want to do all you can to stop it from happening again, call your Winchester Chiropractor, Dr. of Chiropractic, Max Atkinson on 01962 861188 to arrange an appointment.

Meanwhile, here are some top tips you can use to protect your back!

  1. First and foremost, remember that pain is a warning sign. If something you are doing hurts, stop right away! Do not try to work through it or see if it eases off and definitely do not take painkillers to dull the pain so that you can carry on. These medications only mask the symptoms so you could be causing more damage without realising.
  2. Injuries during lifting or carrying weight are a common cause of back injury. Your employer should provide health and safety training on preventing back injury if your job involves lifting. If you have not received workplace training, ask for it! Your Chiropractor can also provide advice on preventing back pain when lifting as part of the overall package of Chiropractic care.
  3. Take regular exercise. Classes that help with flexibility and core strength are invaluable but it is important to stress that you should discuss any back problems you have with the person taking the class. This is vital as a good tutor will be knowledgeable enough to suggest alternatives or modifications to some movements so you can go on exercising safely. It is also important to do the same kind of warm up and cool down exercises you would do at the gym or exercise class before and after tackling jobs at home such as digging, or home maintenance.
  4. Choose your furniture carefully. In your seating areas, choose furniture that allows you to sit comfortably with your feet on the floor and a supported back (make sure your workplace chair is ergonomically designed and adjusted for you). For sleeping, choose a bed with a mattress that supports your spine and a pillow that supports your neck. The ideal sleeping position keeps the spine in alignment. Laying on your side is better than on your tummy as this is the position worst for your spine!
  5. Avoid sitting for long periods. Prolonged sitting at a workstation or slouched on the couch in front of the TV weakens muscles. Remind yourself to get up, even if only for a minute, every twenty minutes or so at work and during TV commercials at home!

If you have concerns, see your Chiropractor. Life cannot stop because you are worried about a painful back injury recurring. Long-term back pain conditions can make life a misery but many can benefit from Chiropractic adjustments and the diet, lifestyle, exercise and posture advice your Chiropractor can give. So call him today, his help with preventing back pain from striking again, will enable you to get back to the activities you enjoy, worry-free.