What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is a type of dizziness that is more common in older people. It is a false sensation of movement and in most common cases a person feels a spinning effect around them. It is very possible that neck pain might cause dizziness. However, it has not yet been made clear whether the neck pain and the dizziness are just coincidental or they are just related.
About Cervicogenic Dizziness
It has been known that the position of the head has an effect on the equilibrium but no one had come up with an explanation about a clinical syndrome that relates to neck pain and disequilibrium. With many diagnosis of the neck pathology such as cervical trauma, cervical arthritis and cervical spondolylosis, it was discovered that there was a syndrome known as cervical vertigo.
Does Anxiety Make Vertigo Worse?
Anxiety attacks often lead to hyperventilation which can cause vertigo. It might also lead to dizziness, weakness and difficulty thinking. Another factor that might cause vertigo is stress; because it increases the level of anxiety. In most cases, panic disorders and anxiety usually appear together with dizziness and vertigo. There are some mechanisms you can use to decrease anxiety and vertigo. These include:
- Meditation-instead of just clearing your mind you can use a better technic which is meditation. You can focus on the good or positive things in your life and by doing so, you will reduce the stress levels in your body. You can start with a few sessions and gradually increase to more sessions with time.
- Exercises-there are some specific exercises that can make you feel good in general. This is because exercises create endorphins and they increase a person’s blood flow in the body.
- Sharing-in most cases, people suffer from stress because of bottling everything. The best way to overcome this is by talking about your problems with a friend or a counselor. This will help reduce the anxiety levels in your body.
This disorder has a very controversial diagnosis since there are no tests that can actually confirm that main cause of the dizziness. Mostly the diagnosis is given to people who have suffered from neck injury or neck pain. It might also be given to those who have dizziness. People with this disorder tend to feel dizziness that gets worse as the head movements increase or after they have maintained a certain head position for a long time. This dizziness is accompanied by a headache in most cases and the symptoms might last for minutes or hours.
Patients with vertigo also complain about imbalance that increases with head movements. Once you have realized you have these symptoms you should go for an evaluation where he doctor will perform certain tests.
Treatment of Vertigo
In many patients, the improvement of the dizziness, usually involves improving the neck problem. You can be advised to carry out some balance exercises, eye exercises, walking, and exposure to new environments.